freedom rings

It occurs to me that I never mentioned what *we* did for Independence Day.

We made bagels (hence the name – see what I did there? <wink>).

I mean, that’s not all we did, but that was definitely the highlight. Right, family?

The whole story is this: my cool brother and I made bagels a while ago (you may remember), and ever since, we’ve been looking for a time to repeat that performance. The thing is that it’s a long process, starting the evening before, and so last time, we did it on a Saturday night, after sundown, and finished on Sunday morning, which should absolutely be Bagel Morning.

Now that it’s summer, and sundown is so late, we could no longer begin on Saturday night, because that would mean starting at something ridiculous like 9:00/9:30pm (the first steps take FOUR HOURS!). No. But Peter isn’t really available any other morning, aside from Sunday, so…we were stuck with a sizable bag of high-gluten flour and no date to make bagels again.

Then, the Fourth of July came along. And we decided to carpe that diem and redeem our time and make bagels. We did it the evening of the third and morning of the fourth, which resulted in hot, freshly baked bagels for the entire family (extensions included) for brunch on Independence Day. This was widely well-received. In fact, there is talk of making it a tradition. We’ll have to see about that.

That afternoon, Joshua and I watched Captain America, which seemed appropriate.

And then we went to a fun cookout down in Waxhaw with friends, who were celebrating the brief return of their militarily employed son, who is a friend of ours, as well. Remind me to keep things ultra-simple when bringing food to grill at a friend’s house. Turkey/vegetable/salmon burger. Cheese. The end. I obviously have not been invited to many bring-your-own-meat-to-grill-and-all-the-fixings-and-chips-and-beverages-for-your-family-type of cookouts. We should do this more often.

Anyway, that was our holiday, and then someone stuck Friday into the middle of our weekend, which meant Joshua had to go to work, and then we got to take yesterday off again. This made for a very odd and very tiring week. <whew!> Glad we made it! Back to the grind!